Eker I Run 23 Nisan Çocuk Koşusu

30-11--1 - 23-04-2021
EV - Saat : 11:00
Eker I Run 23 Nisan Çocuk Koşusu canlı yayın linki: https://youtu.be/vc5jTjZL20Q Koşuya 23 Nisan akşamına kadar kayıt olup evinde koşabilirsin.
Kayıt olduktan sonra Göğüs numarası şablonun burada: http://bit.ly/23n21gogusNo Madalyan burada: http://bit.ly/23n21madalya Start-Finiş kurdelen burada: http://bit.ly/23NisanFinish İndir-yazdır-renklendir - koşuna eğlence kat!
1.I have read, understood and accepted the rules of Eker I Run 23 April Children's Run Race at https://www.ekerkosu.com/tr/eker/23-nisan-cocuk-kosusu. I agree to make honest and truthful declaration in my own home, within the framework of my possibilities, within the framework of sportive morality, gentlemen and fair play. I understand and agree that my child will be disqualified and out of action if the statements and data I entered are contradictory.
2. Due to event is in home i accept that i m responsible of obeying family and neighbor hood rules.
3. Obeying the general traffic, property and safety rules, esp. local measures for pandemic situation is racers' own responsibility. It is forbidden for them to use areas, passes and methods that are declared illegal/out of bounds by the organization or local authorities. The responsible party for the legal problems that might arise due to violation of this rule will solely be the participant; the organization cannot be held responsible in any way.
4. I clearly understand ı must take care before, during and after the activity to my personal hygeine and health. I will follow local directions and regulations.
5. I declare that my child has no medical disability to participate in this race and is physically sufficient for this race.
6. I accept that rights of the photos, images, videos I share on social media tagging the organizers and any kind of digital data taken during the race shall belong to the organization and no right can be demanded for them.
7. I acknowledge that I am responsible for the correct and up-to-date information I provided during registration and allow me to be contacted by e-mail, address and phone regarding the contest.
8. I agree that my name, surname, country, age, club / company information will be published by the organization for information, trade and marketing purposes on websites, social media and the press.
9. I acknowledge that I allow the Macera Akademisi to send informative mail and text messages about current and upcoming events.
10. Showing ID (or equal document) is necessary for all participants to be able to get race kits.
10. I accept with this document, which I have signed electronically, in the event of any injury, loss or damage that may occur during the Eker 23 April Children's Run Race, before and after the race that any responsibility belongs to me. I have read and accepted the Contest Rules, I accept and declare that my child has no medical disability to participate in this race and is physically competent for this race.
I approve my child to participate in the Eker I Run 23 April Children's Run Race that organized by Macera Akademisi, by accepting all the terms and conditions written on the competition website and REGISTRATION FORM page.