Haziran Geyik Koşuları

30-11--1 - 30-06-2021
Koşuya uygun her yer
We celebrate the arrival of spring with movement!
Pick a distance, run wherever you want, within the date range specified!
Complete a 4km run until the end of June and earn the badge.
Distance allowed: min 4km, max 6.5km.
Time on the exact race distance will be taken and processed.
Complete 8km, enjoy the cherries!
Distance allowed: min 8km, max 10.5km.
Time on the exact race distance will be taken and processed.
Distance allowed: min 14 max 16
Time on the exact race distance will be taken and processed.
Distance allowed: min 28 max 30.1KM
Time on the exact race distance will be taken and processed.
- Valid Run dates: 10 - 30 June 2021
- Upload dates: 1June - 2 July 2021
- You should record activity as running, walking or similar (ex: trail running)
- Remember to login and link your sports app before you run - so your run counts!
- You can upload activities 15 days old (tell that to the apps)
- Yes, you need to run yourself to upload
1. I have read, understood and accepted the rules of 'Haziran Geyik Koşuları(Virtual June Runs) at www.myvirtualpace.com. I agree to make honest and truthful declaration in my own home, within the framework of my possibilities, within the framework of sportive morality, gentlemen and fair play. I understand and agree that I will be disqualified and out of action if the statements and data I entered are contradictory. .
1.a. While exercising or travelling for the competition, I know that I have to follow the rules of the Ministry of Health of Turkey, I will have a mask, spare mask, portable hand disinfectant (at least 70% alcohol based) for myself, avoid close contact with other individuals and follow distance rules. I agree that I have to follow the organization's contact-reducing and crowd-blocking rules.
1.b. By starting the competition; I accept and declare that I'm not and have not been covid-19 positive, or have no complaints in last 14 days such as fever, runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing, coughing, sore throat, muscle joint pain, inability to smell. My health and immunity system is my sole responsibility.
1.c. I clearly understand ı must take care before, during and after the activity to my personal hygiene and health. I will follow local directions and regulations.
2. Due to event is in public area, i accept that i m responsible of obeying traffic and public rules.
3. Obeying the general traffic, property and safety rules are racers' own responsibility. It is forbidden for them to use areas, passes and methods that are declared illegal/out of bounds by the organization. The responsible party for the legal problems that might arise due to violation of this rule will solely be the participant; the organization cannot be held responsible in any way.
Organization may disqualify and doesn't accept applies from participants don't respect or disturb other participants, staff, local people.
4. The participants who are found inconvenient for continuing the race by the referees or health personnel shall be prevented from the racing. This decision is final and unobjectionable. I accept I don't have any medical or physical problem to join that event.
5. I accept that rights of the photos, images, videos and any kind of digital data taken during the race shall belong to the organization and no right can be demanded for them.
6. I declare and accept those; I gave information are about me are current and right. And Macera Akademisi LTD and their sponsors might send race announcements, news or bulletins about new races via SMS or e-mail. The racer gives his consent on this issue at the registration.
7. I accept that Macera Akademisi has right to share my name, surname, country, age, company details via web sites, social media and media with the aim of informing, dealing or marketing.
8. I accept that Macera Akademisi can send me e-mail or SMS about current or future events.
9. By that document; I accept on behalf of ‘me, my heirs, my managers, my envoys’, organization cant be held any responsible about injuries, casualty, damages I may have before, during or after that event. And there is no any medical or physical problem to join that event.
if there are any inconsistencies between the Turkish version of the Terms and its translated version, the Turkish version of the Terms shall prevail over others.
Behalf of me and parent of child, i accept all the rules and details written above, written web site of event, written in application form to join that event.